
Outfit Ideas & Style Inspiration


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Los Angeles Living, Home Decor, Dog Parenting, Special Events & Travel



This site contains affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission when you make a purchase after clicking on some of the links to products that I share here. This does not change or affect the prices you pay and I always take care to link reputable websites. I also do suggest “similar” items if the item I am wearing is no longer available however I try my best to find similar items that are close to what I’m wearing or that I would purchase myself.

I often receive gifts which I accept on a “no strings attached” basis. This means that I am not obligated to post about products I receive as a gift; I only wear them if I truly like them and I only post about products I would feel confident in recommending to my friends.

I also occasionally feature sponsored content which are clearly labeled as Sponsored at the very top of the post and are listed within my Sponsored Category. While I am compensated to create sponsored content, I only recommend products I’ve personally tried, tested, and actually use & love. I would never accept money to speak positively of a product that I do not believe in.

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please do not hesitate to email me an@hautepinkpretty.com!

– An Dyer