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Barcelona - Spain Foodie

Restaurante LASARTE – a 2 Michelin Star Gastronomic Experience

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

During our trip to Barcelona, our hotel concierge managed to get us reservations at Lasarte – a two Michelin Star restaurant. We’re fortunate enough to have dined at quite a few 1 and 2 Michelin Star restaurants in the US so we had an idea of what to expect. This isn’t for the faint at heart as highly rated Michelin starred tasting menus are always adventurous, atmosphere typically pretentious and well, the cost is usually quite… prohibitive. Many would find it insane but for a gastrotourist with the means, it is more than just a meal – it truly is an experience! With that being said, Restaurante Lasarte absolutely blew us away. Impeccable attention to detail with perfectly crafted dishes and wine pairings, all I could think about was when we could visit again (or if I could just lease the apartment above and order this as room service on the daily!) Photos cannot to it justice but I hope these will suffice. Towards the end of our experience, we got to meet Chef de cuisine, Paolo Casagrande, but I was a bit too shy to ask for a photo with him 🙂 I suppose that means we’ll just have to return sooner so I can get one next time!

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The Tasting Menu with Wine Pairings (click to enlarge!)

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

Just a small part of the bread selection.

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The Butters – beet, spinach, mushroom, tomato & classic butter. (Tomato was Chris’ favorite but I thoroughly enjoyed them all!)

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

Amuse-bouches, galore!

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

I only managed to capture one of the bottles from our wine pairings 😉 but they were all perfectly balanced with the dishes!

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

A close up of all the Amuse-Bouches served.

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Slightly marinated warm oyster with iced watercress slush, shiso and sea mist.”

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Lobster Royal with red curry, raw artichokes, celery and apple.”

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Vegetable leaves and petals salad, herbs, sprouts with lettuce cream and lobster.” One of my personal favorite dishes! Each petal brought a different flavor or aroma and the lobster slices made for an incredible combination of textures.

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“La Trufa with fermented mushrooms and collard greens with an extra virgin olive oil touch.” Chris’ favorite dish!

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Slices of Iberian presa on foie gras curd, marine salad and mustard ice cream.” (This was the only dish I had a difficult time eating but solely because, as an American, most of us are taught to never eat pork raw and I just couldn’t psychologically get past that. In Europe, it’s quite common and very safe. Chris enjoyed it for me, though!)

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Red prawn on a seabed and fennel with its coral mayonnaise.” The prawns in Barcelona were to die for and this piece of art was no exception!

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona - Two Michelin Star

“Low temperature cooked egg with topinambur and herbal liquid salad, thic slices of black truffle and Gebrat d’Obago cheese.”

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Grilled wild turbot with seafood sautéed and green curry.”

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Lamb shoulder cooked at low temperature, wild mushrooms, agliata sauce and dairy touches.”

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Gin-Tonic rested in mint, cucmber, lemon and crunchy apple.” Like a delicious refreshing explosion of flavors and textures!

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

“Cocoa, fermented black garlic, raspberry and moscovado sugar.” Rich in depth and flavor!

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

Petits-fours! How cute is this display?

Restaurant Lasarte Barcelona

A glimpse into the gorgeous interior.

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

Their co-ed restroom lounges were even decorated with gorgeous vintage victorian lamps!

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

…As well as Hermes toiletries!

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

The most amazing hand soap fragrance ever!

Restaurante Lasarte Barcelona

Photos by Chris & An Dyer.

Have you ever dined at a Michelin starred restaurant?

An Dyer

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1 Comment

  • Reply She's Cataleya's Mommy

    I love the food presentation ?!!

    March 12, 2016 at 10:12 am
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